So I've been trying to make a Violet video for the third book, but I'm still figuring out iMovie. Here's my question: Who made this "Presenting the Violet Series" video? And what was it like? Oh, I wish I'd seen it before it got taken down! Author Lauren Mechling wrote a story for the Wall Street Journal this weekend about how book trailers don't help sales much, generally, but she also recognizes that they are fun?! Let me know if you made this video... I mean, how cool is it that someone took the time?Yes, I googled myself, okay? I admit it. Slow day.
Here are some contests for you guys to visit. Love, M
Write in Pen gives away books by Tina Ferraro
Book Chic's big-a** giveaway includes a copy of Violet on the Runway!
Elizabeth Scott, who's just plain awesome, is giving away an Elsa Peretti Tiffany necklace to celebrate the release of Stealing Heaven (it's a Gemini necklace, which is my sign, not that I think that should give me an edge, but...). Oh, and other prizes include 20 $20 gift certificates. That's right, twenty!
And you can still enter to win Maine Squeeze right here!
Don't forget to keep partying with Teri Brown!
Feel free to post more contest links below in the comments! I just had these on my mind today.
A video? For me?
in Other Stuff