I got tagged by Alea the Pop Culture Junkie.... here we go!1. Who's your all-time favorite author, and why?
This is an impossible question to answer. Can I get a witness? I mean, sometimes I'm in the brooding mood for JD Salinger, sometimes I want a little Sarah Dessen heartstring tugging, sometimes I'm in a dark and stormy William Faulkner mood and sometimes I just want to curl up with Mo Willems and Knuffle Bunny. And in between, I adore all sorts of other authors, too!
2. Who was your first favorite author, and why? Do you still consider him or her among your favorites?
Probably JM Barrie because I loved, loved, loved Peter Pan when I was little. And yeah, I still do! Maybe because Young Adult authors have that "can't grow up" syndrome....
3. Who's the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why?
Perhaps David Levithan. I was late to read him, but now that I've started, I can't stop. His books make me feel giddy about friendship and love.
4. If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth? Are there any you'd add on a moment of further reflection?
Carolyn Mackler, Sarah Mlynowski, E. Lockhart, all mentioned above... and upon further reflection I'd add Eudora Welty, Carson McCullers and Harper Lee. (Can you tell I used to bury myself in Southern literature, but these days I'm up to my eyes in teen novels?)
Rules: Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they’ve been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted.
Done! Except that I'll say anyone who wants to do this meme can consider themselves tagged by me. Happy Tuesday.
Author Meme
in Other Stuff