Awards and a Beautiful New Cover!

Fabulous.jpg Meredith gave me a Fabulous Blog award, which has a fabulous icon! I'm supposed to pass it along to five new blogs, but I've decided that Fabulous is a self-appointing adjective, so anyone who feels fabulous about their blog, this one's for you! Post away!The official rules are as follows: 1. Put a link on your blog from whom you got it. 2. Give it to 5 new blogs (which in their turn have to give it to 5 new blogs). MW: Breaking this one in the name of fabulousness! 3. Put a link on your blog to those blogs you give it to. MW: Put your link in the comments if you post this! 4. Give the blogs you give the award to a note that you have given them this award. 5. Write 5 things you are addicted to: 1. Books 2. DVR (namely, Oprah, Friday Night Lights, The Biggest Loser, Gossip Girl, American Idol and others too numerous to name) 3. UNC Basketball. 4. My yoga pants. 5. Finding cool stuff for I Heart Daily! blogaward2.png Also, Liviania gave me the "Great Job!" award, and again, I say: Post this if you're feeling it! The rules are: 1) Add the logo of your award to your blog. 2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you. 3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs. MW: Rules are made to be broken! 4) Add links to those blogs on your blog. MW: List your great-job-doing self in the comments! 5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs. Happy Thursday! PS-Author Jennifer Banash has set up a new blog on wordpress, so find her here! She's even hosting a contest to win a signed copy of the newly released In Too Deep and its predecessor, The Elite. I, for one, was ecstatic to see the third cover in The Elite Series (below--it might be my favorite of the three). How gorgeous can one book series's covers get?! simply%20irresistable.jpg