Cover Stories: The Comeback by Marlene Perez

I'm traveling but here's a Cover Story to last you all week--such a gorgeous one from Marlene Perez about her August release, The Comeback.THE COMEBACK cover(5).jpg"THE COMEBACK's main character is Sophie Donnelly. I knew exactly what she looked like in my mind, but I didn't think I wanted a face on the cover, because I knew it probably wouldn't match my imagination. I was thrilled that they used a model, but that we don't see her face. Other than that, I didn't have any cover in mind, but the result is pretty much a dream cover. "The book sold on a partial, so my editor did ask for a description of the main character, which I really appreciated. It always puzzles me when the cover features a person and the person doesn't look anything like the character described in the novel. But other than that, I didn't give any input, because I loved the cover! "I know the designer is Yaffa Jaskoll and she's brilliant! You can see more of her work here. "I fell in love with the cover the minute I saw it. The rich colors, the fact that you can't see the model's face as she's peering out into the audience, everything about it. unexpecteddevelopment.jpg"I didn't have any feedback for this cover, but I have been able to make suggestions on other covers. A cover can really make or break a book. I had a difficult experience with the cover of my first book, UNEXPECTED DEVELOPMENT. It's a great cover, but perhaps edgier than the actual book was, and that created issues with stocking the novel. Some stores didn't want to carry it because of the edgy cover. "Every time I look at that cover of THE COMEBACK, though, I think how lucky I am. I think it just invites someone to pick it up and open the book. comebackbackcover.jpg"And I got a great surprise when I received my author's copies. The back copy is as equally as cool as the front. The roses at her feet ROCK!" I agree! Love the back cover, and the front makes me want to peek backstage and wear that dress and touch those curtains! Amazing colors and I love the shimmer of the spotlight. (And I have to admit that I think the Unexpected Development cover misses the mark a little....) What do you guys think?