Photo Friday: Stoop Sales, Peach Cake and Goodbye, Erin!

Last weekend we had a goodbye party for my friend Erin, who's moving back to San Diego (hence the I heart NY shirt). There were lots of photos, and Erin captioned them. I think this one is the only one that's suitable for blog viewing:05-party-photo.jpg Then we had a stoop sale! This is Anne (as Santa with a foot bath) and Erin (with vase I finally got rid of!). Super fun, and we each made like $100. Not bad for clearing out old stuff! stoopsale.jpg Finally, I made Peach Cake this week. I've been working hard at Seventeen, so I haven't had many culinary adventures, but this one turned out nicely! peach2.jpg What were you guys up to this week? Happy Friday!