Last week's winner of Teenie by Christopher Grant is... jpetroroy! J, send me your address.This week, I have a hot-off-the-presses copy of Carrie Ryan's The Dark and Hollow Places, the third book in her Forest of Hands and Teeth series!
On another note, I recently contributed to an anthology edited by Carrie Jones and Megan Kelley Hall called Dear Bully. I just got to view my laid out essay, and I can't WAIT for it to come out in August.
To enter to win Carrie Ryan's book, answer these questions: Have you ever encountered bullying? How did you handle it? (I know, I'm so nosy! But I'm interested. And I have a feeling we all have experiences with this topic, sadly. To hear about mine, you'll have to wait for the anthology!)
Good luck -- I'll pick a winner from the comments next Wednesday.
PS-Thanks to Liz, who totally called me on my Jones/Ryan mixup, which is ridiculous. I blame pregnancy exhaustion! Sorry, Carries!
carrie ryan