
Photo Friday: Pajants!

So you guys know that there's going to be this amazing Pajants reading at Books of Wonder on Saturday, December 3rd, from 3-5 PM. Seriously, this lineup rules. Pen it in! The pajants, as you may have heard, have been worn all over the world... and even on the famous legs of one Ms. Tyra Banks (who signed right between me and E. Lockhart--exciting!):

Remember my Pajants adventures? Oh, the places they've gone! Remember my Tyra adventures? Full circle, people.

Check out the full Pajants saga on Facebook

Happy Friday!

Photo Friday: Twitterhood of the Butt-Lifting Pajants

This week, I was lucky enough to join the Twitterhood of the Butt-Lifting Pajants (Facebook page here) after a handoff from the lovely E. Lockhart (who took them to the primates exhibit at the Natural History Museum and has a post on her blog that explains it all). I wore the colorful pajama jeans to Jenny Han's book release party for We'll Always Have Summer, which was quite a swank affair at Books of Wonder. At first I felt self-conscious:



But then the bride--erm, I mean author--herself posed with me:

And so did super author Coe Booth!

The pajants even tried to swipe a cupcake:

And, after all the excitement, I made my mark:

The pajants adventure continues with Tara Altebrando... stay tuned...

Happy Friday!

PS-I just want to say that I went a little crazy on twitter today with the Royal Wedding madness. Sorry. But there were so many fascinators that I blame sparkly-feather-eyed madness. Happy Wedding, Kate and Wills!