Win-It Wednesday: A Set of Three Books by Teens

marni-cover.jpgThe winner of last week's copy of Liar is... Nicole [ZBZ]! Send me your address, N. Everyone else, don't wait--you'll read a spoiler soon, so get Liar while you can experience it on your own.chelsey-cover.jpgThis week, I'm giving away three books. They're nonfiction, truly moving, written by teens and edited by Deborah Reber. I wrote about them for I Heart Daily today, and I also mentioned that Deborah is looking for her next group of teen authors, so if you're interested in that, go here and find out more. emily-cover.jpgTo enter to win all three books (so far) in the Louder Than Words series, just tell me what you're working on, creatively, in your own life. You don't have to give away the plot of your screenplay or reveal a secret knitting project (though you can if you want to!), but just tell me what's up in your creative world. I'll choose a winner--international or US--next week with my trusty random number generator. Works every time!