Win-It Wednesday: Box o' Books for a Boat Name!

The winner of Gayle Forman's If I Stay (in paperback) is... Lauren of Half Deserted Streets! Send me your address, L! Thanks for the fun discussion about the covers -- everyone had good insights and I think we can safely conclude that both covers have an audience. Yay! sailing-v.jpgThis week I'm starting a contest that will take us through June. It's important to me, because it has to do with a future book I'm writing. All I can say is that in this book, there is a sailboat. And the sailboat? It needs a name! I've been writing it as "Possibility" because my character is sort of closed off and needs some opening up, but that name is lame.

So, I put it to you: What would you name a sailboat? Be silly, corny, serious, deep -- whatever you like! I'll choose one commenter's idea to use in the book (and I'll be forever grateful).

As a prize, I will send the winner a box full of books.I'm talking somewhere around 10 titles. Tell me your favorite Young Adult genre and I'll lean it toward that. I have so many books I'd love to pass along (most brand new, some ARCs).

I may pick a second-place winner as well (there is more than one boat in this book) and that person will also get a few awesome books.

This contest will run for a month, through June 30th, because that's how big the prize is. If you'd tweet, blog, spread the word in some way, I'd be grateful. I need help with this boat-naming thing, for real.

I'm excited to hear your ideas (you guys were so helpful with fake band names for Lovestruck Summer!)

Happy Wednesday!