The winner of a Blood Coven book by Mari Mancusi is... Donna S! Donna, email me your address and let me know which book you'd like (new or old cover!). This week, I'm giving away of the highly anticipated third book in Alyson Noel's bestselling Immortals series (right after I read it!). You guys probably know about this series, and if you don't, where have you been?! Just kidding--go here to find out more. (Oh, and read the first two books' Cover Stories here and here.)
Now, for your challenge. I know I've talked about SMITHTEENS and the Six-Word Memoir books before, but I went to an amazing reading last night for this book and it refueled my love for Six-Word Memoirs. I even shared mine while I was there:
So today, for your chance to win a copy of Shadowland, share your six-word memoir. Each one you share is an entry, so go nuts if you want multiple entries, and feel free to comment more than once. I'm nosy, so hearing about your lives is fascinating to me.
Here's a video to inspire you. You should also hit up SMITHTEENS and explore if you haven't--there is some amazing writing over there.
Enter away! I'll pick a winner next Wednesday.
Six-Word Memoirs by Teens: The Video from SMITHmag on Vimeo.