The winner of Matthue Roth's hilarious Losers is... (((Renee))) is a {{{loser}}}. Is that fate or what?! Though I'm sure Renee is not a loser. And she has an awesome Taylor Swift song on her profile. Sigh. Send me your address, Renee, the not loser. Now, this week I want to give away an awesome book that would make a great holiday present... John Green's Looking for Alaska. I know lots of you have read it, and know how truly lovely and smart and funny it is. It really is!
I'll say no more. You can find troves of info online about it, but here's how you win it: Tell me the last 3 things you googled. Seriously! Check your cache. I'm curious. Mine are "random number generator" (to determine last week's contest), "i heart daily" (i'm starting a new site and wanted to see how search results showed up) and "how women act around men" (working on a story for Glamour).
Your turn! What are the last 3 things you googled? Then, you're entered! Extra entry if you post about this contest (or twitter, or status update or do whatever to spread the word).
Happy Wednesday!
Win-It Wednesday: Looking for Alaska by John Green
in Other Stuff