chapel hill magazine

Photo Friday: Cover Girls (Sarah Dessen and... Me!)

ChapelHillMagazine_2.jpg When my hometown magazine, Chapel Hill, contacted me and Sarah Dessen about doing a joint interview, I thought I might be imagining things. They wanted to feature both of us, as authors from Chapel Hill who write for teens. Which is, pretty much, the biggest honor ever.Sarah and I had a great time--she's as cool and fun as you'd expect her to be--and the magazine ran a looong story in the January/February issue. Which also happens to have us on the cover! This big photo is from the interior--I just like it better because on the cover I feel like I look ridiculous! And I like that jacket.

Anyway, I'll paste each page of it below... feel free to click to enlarge so you can read details on my 9th grade crush (Yes! They named names!) and Sarah's take on perfectionism and parking lot slacker-dom. We also both talk basketball, of course (though they did cut some of that conversation--I think we each had three or four Carolina basketball stories. It comes with the town.)


Happy Friday!

PS-I know, I know, my scanner isn't what it should be. Sorry about the crookedness and the patchy color! Best I could do.